On July 23, 2020, the Medford Planning Commission approved the proposed revision to the Preliminary PUD Plan for the Coker Butte Business Park, a development consisting of office and light industrial uses to be located on a 14.5-acre site composed of five contiguous lots bounded generally by Crater Lake Highway 62, Coker Butte Road, and Crater Lake Avenue, within the Light Industrial (I-L) zoning district (371 was TL 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, and 1100).
The subject site is composed of five tax lots totaling 14.5 acres. The site is traversed by two higher order streets which effectively divide the property into three distinct quadrants: a north quadrant encompassing tax lots 1000 and 1001 north of Coker Butte Road; a south quadrant encompassing tax lot 1100 south of Coker Butte Road; and an east quadrant encompassing tax lots 1002 and 1003 east of Crater Lake Avenue (identified as Reserve Acreage on the PUD Concept Plan).