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On March 20, 2020, the Medford Site Plan and Architectural Commission adopted the final order containing findings of fact relating to the approval of the proposal for the plans for the development of a four-story hotel composed of 92 rooms including an exception request to the maximum building height when within 150 feet of a residential zone on approximately 2.6 acres located east of Garfield Street, approximately 450 feet north of Center Drive within the Regional Commercial (C-R) zoning district

The subject development is planned on a 2.59 acre lease area out of a 16.61 acre parcel. The subject area consists of two tax lots and does partially follow the existing property lines of Tax lots 5000 & 2401 to the north and west. Legal descriptions of the underlying parcel (Exhibit EE) and the lease area (Exhibit O) are attached. The area was rezoned (File Number ZC-18-190) from SFR-00 (Single Family Residential – 1 dwelling unit per parcel) to C-R (Regional Commercial) in early 2019.

Issues and Analysis:

  • Parts of the property are currently within a mapped AE zone with Base Flood Elevations and a designated floodway.
  • Proposed is a pedestrian walkway that circles the development along the building and the inside of the parking lot.
  • The southernmost corner of the proposed hotel is approximately 144 feet from the closest point abutting a residential zoning district (SFR-00). Since the building height within 150 feet of a residential district is limited to 35 feet, an Exception is required.