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On December 4, 2018, the Central Point Planning Commission approved a Tentative Plan for the development of a 22-lot subdivision. The project site is located in the Low Mix Residential (LMR) zoning district in the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Corridor. The properties are identified on the Jackson County Assessor’s map as 37 2W 1 lC, Tax Lots 8300 and 8400.

The project site consists of two (2) properties totaling 3.64 acres, the design and development of which are subject to master plan approval (See File No. :MP-18001). The site is located between Chicory Lane to the west and the Pacific Highway and railroad right-of-way to the east. South Haskell Street terminates at the northeast comer of the eastern property boundary. The tentative subdivision plan would create 22 lots (Attachment “A-1 “). Per the Master Plan, lots 1-21 will be occupied by residential development (i.e. single family attached and detached dwellings). Lot 22 will be an open space area intended to buffer the development from the adjacent railroad, connect sidewalks to the existing open space area immediately north of the site, and provide space to treat stormwater with a vegetated bioswale. It is the applicant’s intent to obtain final plat approval and develop the site, including public improvements, in two (2) phases over a 5-year period.

Several physical and environmental conditions that were addressed in the design of the plan, including:

  • The subject property is 3.64 acres in size and exceeded the threshold for the master plan requirement.
  • Development of stormwater facilities
  • Creation of parks and open space that met the needs of the development