February 18, 2011 , the Site Plan and Architectural Commission adopted the final order containing Findings of Fact relating to the consideration of plans for a 52,084 square foot commercial shopping center, which includes the construction of 35,947 square feet and an existing building of 16,137 square feet on a 7.64 acre project site located on the southwest corner of West McAndrews Road and North Ross Lane within a C-C (Community Commercial) zoning district.
The Site Plan and Architectural Commission shall approve a site plan and architectural review application if it can find that the proposed development conforms, or can be made to conform through the imposition of conditions, with the following criteria:
- The proposed development is compatible with uses and development that exist on adjacent land; and
- The proposed development complies with the applicable provisions of all city ordinances or the Site Plan and Architectural Commission has approved (an) exception(s) as provided in MLDC § 10.253.
This project is for a new retail commercial center to be known as Pioneer Marketplace. The applicant proposes to construct seven new buildings with future uses including a bank, restaurants, and retail businesses totaling 52,084 square feet. The subject property currently contains an existing building of 16,137 square feet which was built in 1994 for a membership organization and was most recently used as a children’s science center.
The Site Plan shows the buildings oriented toward the perimeter of the project nearest North Ross Lane and West McAndrews Road with the majority of the parking in the interior of the property. Two access points are shown for the project, one from West McAndrews and one from North Ross Lane. The project, at this time, includes two tax lots, therefore cross access and joint parking agreements will be required to be recorded since both North Ross Lane and West McAndrews are classified as higher order streets.