Plan Element and Code Updates

When it comes to Comprehensive Plan updates, most jurisdictions typically update certain elements rather than the entire Comprehensive Plan at one time.  CSA has been involved in a wide range of element updates for jurisdictions throughout Southern Oregon.  Local governments, especially in Southern Oregon, that are interested in updating an element should contact us via the website.  We actively respond to RFQs or RFPs for Plan Element updates.

CSA Planning has been involved in numerous Comprehensive Plan Element and land development code updates and revisions over the years.

With respect to code updates, CSA has been involved in complete rewrites of land development codes for cities or counties.  However, these projects only occur occasionally in our primary market service area in Southern Oregon.  Most of CSA’s code amendment experience focuses on specific changes to advance new policy objectives or implement new area plan or master plan provisions.

Our approach to code writing is to be accurate, precise and efficient.  This requires looking at the new or amended code provisions from a number of perspectives and revising the language through an iterative process that questions the rigor of each new draft by subjecting it to questions like the following:

  • Is the language as concise as possible?
  • How will the language be applied to redevelopment or remodeling to existing development?
  • Will the new language achieve the new policy objectives without causing negative adverse consequences?
  • Is the new language appropriately structured to “tie-in” with other code and Comprehensive Plan provisions that are not being amended?
  • Is the new language simple to understand?
  • What illustrations would be helpful to explain the language?
  • Are there terms or structure that could become problematic for the jurisdiction in a contested case.

In developing code language, CSA has unique experience and expertise.  There are few firms that have been involved in as wide a variety of development permitting as CSA Planning Ltd. anywhere in Oregon and this allows us to evaluate code language from a number of development perspectives.  Within our firm, we have planners with formal training in architecture so evaluation of new code language on practical design elements can be done in-house.