Site Planning & Design
CSA has working relationships with most all of the architecture and landscape architecture firms in Southern Oregon. CSA also provides limited design services in-house. CSA’s design services are relatively narrow in scope and intended to compliment the work of the full-time design professionals. Our design work is generally focused on the overall site plan for the project and its relationship to other properties and uses in the area. Many clients engage us for this type of work. We believe our concept layouts efficiently get projects headed in the direction that is consistent with the entitlement strategy and target market opportunities. These concept plans are then coordinated with the full-time design professionals to refine, improve and detail. The other limited design services we offer are “just in time” services while the project is under land use permit review. Small design issues often crop up during the review process and Bev often provides simple detail drawings to address issues as they arise. This keeps the review process moving forward even when the lead design firm is under deadlines on other projects. This simple service often speeds up the permit review process by weeks and sometimes months.
CSA Planner Bev Thruston, AIA, offers design expertise for property owners in site planning, program development and conceptual design. Bev’s designs are attractive, functional and fiscally sound to satisfy both the client and the entitlement strategy for the project. CSA Planning is one of the few planning firms with in-house design services. Call Bev at 541-779-0569 or send an email to [email protected].
Nathan Emerson and Sai Vootkuru work closely to develop larger scale design concepts for large properties that are part of a master planning effort or rural development. The scale of these types of designs are more of a GIS exercise than a CAD exercise and Sai and Nathan can efficiently layout conceptual designs for large projects. Also, rural development requires a number of factors to consider such as septic approval areas, road grades and numerous County regulations that must all be considered in a design layout. CSA has extensive experience with rural property development and will work with the project team to develop a project layout that works.