Approximately 2.8 miles of water pipeline was proposed as part of the Project. Moving from southeast to northwest, the first 0.78 mile-segment is adjacent to Agriculture and Forest District (AF)-20 zoned land on the south side Scholls Ferry Road. The AF-20 zone is an exclusive farm use (EFU) zone for lands that are protected by Statewide Planning Goal 3, but with a pattern of existing development that allows for lot sizes less than the 80-acre minimum lot size in the standard EFU zone. The land to the north is within the Urban Growth Boundary and the Beaverton city limits. The pipeline then turns northwest along SW Tile Flat Road. Until the intersection with SW Kobbe Road, this portion of the pipeline is adjacent to AF-10 zoning to the southwest and a mix of zones within the UGB to the northeast for a distance of 0.53 miles. Some lands along this portion of the pipeline are no longer devoted to farm uses, and an impacts analysis on those lands is not applicable. Except for a small 0.36-mile segment with AF-10 zoning to the south, immediately past SW Kobbe Road, the remainder of the pipeline is bounded on both sides by land within either the EFU zone or the AF-20 all the way up SW Grabhorn Road to the Reservoir Facilities. The lands east of Grabhorn Road are within an Urban Reserve.
The Reservoir Facilities site is approximately 9.7 acres, east of Grabhorn Road, and designated AF-20 by Washington County.