Southern Oregon Humane Society sought two concurrent property line adjustments between three parcels identified as Tax Lots 2100 and 2200 on Jackson County Assessor’s Map 37-1W-07A, and Tax Lot 3901 on Assessor’s Map 37-1W-06. A partition involving Tax Lot 3901 was approved by the City of Medford on June 29, 2022 (Planning File No. LDP-22-163), which resulted in Tax Lot 3901 being divided roughly in half, with the southern portion being an approximately 14.8 acre parcel that was identified on the LDP-22-163 Tentative Partition Plan as “Parcel 3.” Said Parcel 3 was proposed to be adjusted as part of this application.
The first adjustment will shifted the existing north-south property line between Tax Lots 2100 and 2200 eastward to a point that is 35-feet west of the current east boundary of Tax Lot 2100, thereby resulting in Tax Lot 2200 becoming an approximately 3.72 acre parcel that is hereinafter referred to as Parcel 1. The second and concurrently proposed adjustment involves Tax Lot 2100 being adjusted northward into the southern portion of Parcel 3 of LDP-22-163. This adjustment will result in Tax Lot 2100 becoming a flag lot containing ~8.25 acres, hereinafter referred to as Parcel 2. As a result of this adjustment, Parcel 3 of LDP-22-163 will be reduced from ~14.8 acres to ~6.56 acres and is hereinafter referred to as Parcel 3.
Applicant Southern Oregon Humane Society (SoHumane) is the contract purchaser of record for the subject Parcel 2 which will be developed as SoHumane’s new dog and cat shelter/kennel to replace their existing facility located on Table Rock Road.