Talent Planning Commission approves the requested Subdivision (SUB 2018-002) application for a 6-lot subdivision.
The development would create six lots intended for single-family houses, a permitted use in the RS-7 zone. The plan includes demolishing the existing house on Lot 1, the garage on Lot 4 and the barn on Lot 6 (already completed). Several provisions of the Talent Subdivision Code-such as lot and block dimensions, access, streets and density are addressed in the following subsections of this Section. Subsection G requires findings of compliance with Sections 2-10 of the Subdivision Code; duplicate findings have not been created for these sections.
Improvement conditions met:
- Detailed water improvement plans in conformance with the City standards.
- Detailed sewer plans approved by Rogue Valley Sewer Services and the City EnĀgineer.
- Conformed street location, width and grade to the Transportation System Plan.